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What Do You Do When Having Two Beds Is Difficult?

Bunk beds are the traditional version of a loft bed, with a bunk on top and a bunk on the bottom. They used to be relatively common, but as the 80s became a thing of the past, bunk beds aren't quite as popular as they used to be. You can now look for the best twin over queen bunk bed via

New Twin over Queen Bunk Beds for the Whole Family Maxtrix Kids

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Today you'll find that bunk beds are still available, but they are not nearly as space-saving as loft beds or triple loft beds, due to the fact that they only accommodate sleeping two people but don't really help you save space with additional furniture.

Besides the usual living arrangement in dorms or studio apartments, they're great for single or two-child households. With two children, they'll obviously be able to share one room. But with one child you might find them very useful if your child tends to have friends stay over frequently and you don't have a guest room. 

Idealistically, the second bed can then be used as a guest bed. And in the meantime, your child can just have fun switching beds whenever he is up for it. So there's no question that loft beds, all-in-one loft beds, triple loft beds and bunk beds are all great ways of saving space in your kids' room, dorms and even studio apartments. 

The advantage of combining sleeping and work areas together leaves more room for other things and eliminates the need of having to squeeze everything into a small room crammed with too much stuff.