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Who Are Elder Law Attorneys In Phoenix

Senior lawyers deal with a wide range of legal issues affecting the elderly or disabled. This includes topics such as care planning, guardianship, retirement, Medicare, taxes, wills, wealth planning, and housing issues, among others.

This is a new concept for many and is a fairly new category in the legal field. If the idea is new to you, you may be wondering why it is important to find someone to represent you or a loved one like an aged law lawyer in Phoenix.

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Who is an Experienced Lawyer?

They must be licensed in one or more states, have practiced for five years or more, and have completed 45 hours of continuing education in the field in the last three years to be certified by the National Endowment for the Elderly to practice in this type. 

Do I need it?

Senior attorneys are good for people who need help navigating the extreme complexities of federal taxes, property matters, Medicare/Medicaid, and Social Security. Your attorney can help you advocate for the best next step, and you can also ensure that you take the next step legally.

How do I choose the right person for my needs?

If you or a loved one has a specific case, e.g. Whether it's age, disability, mental health issues, social security, or harassment, you may want to hire someone with experience in your field. If you're looking for a more complete service, ask if they've had clients like you or your loved ones.