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Q-Tip Hacks That’ll Up Your Makeup Game

One of the most common household items is a cotton bud or cotton swab. It is most commonly used to clean out the ear canal or remove earwax, although it is not a medically recommended method of earwax removal. It doesn't mean that you will lose money. Eco-friendly ear sticks are versatile and can be used to solve very minor problems, especially when it comes to makeup. Here are some easy ways to use cotton buds to up your makeup game:

Right Eye Makeup:

Often we apply eyeliner which is a bit too thick and uneven. Don't worry, you can always use Q tips to fix this. All you have to do is take a 'renewable cotton wipe' and dip it in some moisturizer or micellar water. Then fold the end of the cotton swab over the pad you want to replace and hold it with a dab or wipe.

Apply Eye Cream:

The skin around your eyes is very smooth. Continuous use of hand products can cause skin irritation. To avoid pulling on the skin when applying certain products, use a cotton swab for a gentle, hassle-free application. Simply dip a Q-tip into your cream and apply gently around the eye area. This will protect you from damage and wrinkles over time.

Remove excess eyelash glue:

The better artificial eyelashes look on the eyes, the more gently they can be applied. The process of fixing the eyes with the help of false eyelashes begins with the correct application of glue.

Once you have covered your eyelashes with glue, simply wipe them with a cotton swab to absorb the excess glue. Also, after applying false eyelashes, you can also use a swab to remove fallen eyelashes.